Senior Dog Physio

Senior Dog Physio with Tim Norris from Both Ends Of The Lead



There’s nothing quite like the excitement and joy of welcoming a new furry, wriggly bundle of mischief and mayhem into your family …  a puppy! It’s not long though before your thoughts turn to Puppy Classes … as the same cute, furry bundle of mischief and mayhem lives up to their name, leaving a trail of puppy chaos wherever they go!

For most people, Puppy Classes are a MUST-DO to train your little 4 legged family member … to listen to your commands and equally importantly, socialise with other dogs.

So why would you need to take your ageing dog to Senior Dog Physio as they get older?

They’ve already been through the basic obedience training (at the very least), and they’re well-socialised (well some of them, anyway ;)!).

Here’s the plain and simple ANSWER …

As our dogs age, they start to SLOW DOWN …

They walk LESS …

They take LONGER to recover from exercise …

Certain activities they used to find easy become much HARDER for them to do (eg. climbing stairs, getting in and out of the car) …

They’re NOT MOVING as WELL as they used to …

They become more prone to INJURY and DISEASE …

They might even be IN PAIN and DISCOMFORT (and you may not even be aware of it as dogs are generally great at masking pain) …

So I want you to take a careful look at your dog now … and see if you can pick up on any of these symptoms/signs I’ve mentioned …

At what age is a dog considered a Senior Dog?

At around 7 years of age.

For some larger breed dogs, they may be considered senior at 5 or 6 years of age …

Why? Because dogs AGE MUCH FASTER than people do … and the life span of a dog can depend on the size and breed. So this means that some larger breed dogs may not live to beyond 10 years of age.

Whilst this may seem grossly unfair, it might make you more aware of how much PRECIOUS TIME you have left with your special 4 legged member of your family …

And for this time you have left together, wouldn’t you want them to be as COMFORTABLE and as PAIN-FREE as possible?

We don’t have to accept that just because our dog is getting older … they have to suffer or be in pain.

After all, if that was YOU or ME … we’d do something about it, right?! Like go see a chiropractor, physiotherapist, acupuncturist …

Anything to give a new lease of life to those tired, aching limbs …

What can I do to help my Senior Dog be as comfortable and pain-free as possible (without resorting to pain meds)?

Plenty! This is what we teach our 1:1 clients every day!




… techniques that are …





Want to know more?

We are very excited to announce that Barracks Vet Surgery has teamed up with Tim Norris a certified Canine Rehabilitation Practitioner and pain management expert.

Tim specialises in Arthritis treatment and older dog care. He offers a range of personalised specific treatments and structured ‘Home Care Rehabilitation Programs’. He works closely with a growing number of vets who actively refer their clients to him for Post-Operative Rehabilitation and Arthritis Care. He blends his extensive back ground in Rehabilitation Therapies and Acupuncture to help older dogs and dogs with Arthritis live longer with the best quality of life possible.

Visit BOTH ENDS OF THE LEAD for further information



Location Hours
Monday8:00am – 5:30pm
Tuesday8:00am – 5:30pm
Wednesday8:00am – 5:30pm
Thursday8:00am – 5:30pm
Friday8:00am – 5:30pm
Saturday8:00am – 12:30pm

*Consultations always by appointment

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