
Cats + Pet Services

  • Hypokalemia is a term that refers to a low blood concentration of potassium. Potassium is an important electrolyte within the body and is vital for the normal function of muscles and nerves. Mild to moderate hypokalemia often does not cause clinical sigs, but severe hypokalemia can result in generalized muscle weakness, lack of appetite, and some cats may become constipated. The underlying cause of hypokalemia is often chronic kidney failure. Hypokalemia and its associated clinical signs may be quickly corrected by potassium supplementation. Depending on the cause, it may be necessary to continue supplementing potassium permanently.

  • Ibuprofen is commonly used to treat fever, pain, and inflammation in humans. Ibuprofen poisoning occurs when a cat ingests a toxic dose of ibuprofen, either through misuse or by accident. Ibuprofen poisoning causes many different clinical signs because many different organ systems can be affected. Most commonly, cats show signs related to kidney problems.

  • Icterus is also known as jaundice is an excessive accumulation of a yellow pigment in the blood and tissues, most easily seen in the gingivae and sclerae. Icterus can be caused by hemolysis, liver disease, or obstruction of the bile duct. Your veterinarian will perform screening tests to determine the root cause of icterus. Based on the preliminary tests, your veterinarian may recommend fine needle aspiration, needle biopsy, or a surgical biopsy. Icterus will resolve once the underlying disease is identified and treated. The prognosis depends on the underlying cause.

  • Idoxuridine is an antiviral topical medication used to treat viral infections of the eye, such as feline herpesvirus-1 in cats. Idoxuridine comes as eye drops or can be compounded by your veterinarian into an eye ointment. Give as directed. Side effects of idoxuridine include eye irritation. Pregnant women should NOT handle this medication.

  • Imidocarb dipropionate is an injectable medication that is administered by a veterinarian to treat babesiosis in dogs. It is also used off-label to treat other protozoal infections in dogs, cats, and horses. Most common side effects include mild drooling, tearing, vomiting, or nasal drip. Do not use in pets with exposure to cholinesterase-inhibiting drugs, pesticides, or chemicals. If a negative reaction occurs, please call your veterinary office.

  • Inappropriate elimination generally refers to urination and/or defecation in places other than the litter box. The behavior is sometimes referred to as ‘house soiling’. Inappropriate elimination may be due to a medical condition, a behavioral disorder, or both. Treatment is very specific to the underlying cause.

  • Infertility in a queen (an intact female cat) is defined as the inability to give birth to live kittens, despite appropriate breeding with a fertile male. This handout provides an outline of common causes of infertility along with how they are diagnosed and, when possible, treated.

  • Male infertility refers to the inability of a sexually mature tomcat (intact male cat) to impregnate a fertile female. This handout explains the possible causes of infertility in male cats as well as how they may be diagnosed and, when possible, treated.

  • Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is a syndrome affecting the stomach and/or intestines that can cause vomiting, diarrhea, or weight loss. It is considered a chronic condition that may have a good prognosis, though a diagnosis is not always easy. Treatment may involve a diet change, medications, or both and will need to be closely followed to prevent relapses.

  • Cats are curious by nature, which can lead them into trouble, especially when they ingest items not meant to be eaten, such as thread, wool, paper, rubber bands, plant materials, and small toys. While some will pass through the digestive tract, some foreign bodies can cause serious problems. This handout explains foreign bodies in the intestinal tracts of cats and reviews clinical signs, diagnostic tests, treatment, and the prognosis of these situations.



Location Hours
Monday8:00am – 5:30pm
Tuesday8:00am – 5:30pm
Wednesday8:00am – 5:30pm
Thursday8:00am – 5:30pm
Friday8:00am – 5:30pm
Saturday8:00am – 12:30pm

*Consultations always by appointment

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